Cod liver oil is commonly used in poultry farming, but there is often misuse and blind application of the product. Many farmers don't fully understand the purpose of using cod liver oil, leading to waste. Cod liver oil is derived from the liver of fish and contains essential biological substances, including unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin D3, and vitamin E. Unsaturated fatty acids are vital for poultry, animals, and huA developing veterinary drug& feed additives manufacturer in China, with 6 GMP production lines and 5000m2 workshop, which established in 2011mans, but they cannot be synthesized by the body and must be obtained through food. However, because they are required in small amounts, they are often overlooked when calculating nutrition. In practice, the focus is mainly on the functions of vitamin A, vitamin D3, and vitamin E, which are explained below to guide farmers in their rational use of cod liver oil and avoid misuse.
Key Functions of Cod Liver Oil:
1.Vitamin A: Promotes growth and development, maintains bone and epithelial tissue, supports vision, and helps repair mucous membranes.
2.Vitamin D3: Facilitates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, ensuring their proper metabolism.
3.Vitamin E: Acts as a strong antioxidant and stimulates the secretion of sex hormones.
When to Use Cod Liver Oil:
1.When vitamin A in feed becomes ineffective: If feed has been stored too long and vitamin A loses potency, resulting in poor growth, dry skin, or hair loss, cod liver oil can supplement the deficiency.
2.For respiratory diseases: When poultry suffers from diseases like Newcastle disease, avian influenza, or mycoplasma infections, cod liver oil helps repair damaged respiratory tract epithelial tissue.
3.For digestive tract issues: If the digestive system is damaged due to parasitic infections (e.g., coccidiosis, tapeworms), bacteria (e.g., E. coli, Clostridium), or viruses (e.g., Newcastle disease), cod liver oil can aid in repairing the digestive tract mucous membranes during treatment.
4.For kidney swelling: In cases of infectious bronchitis, infectious bursal disease, drug toxicity, or nutritional issues leading to kidney swelling, cod liver oil promotes repair of kidney and urinary tract epithelial tissue.
5.For reproductive system health: Cod liver oil can also repair ovarian and oviduct epithelial tissues in cases of oviduct inflammation caused by various factors.
6.For bone health: When poultry exhibits symptoms of leg weakness, rickets, crooked bones, or soft eggs due to calcium and phosphorus metabolism issues, cod liver oil aids in the absorption of these minerals to support proper metabolism.
7.To boost immunity: When the immune system is weakened, making the birds more susceptible to diseases, cod liver oil can enhance their immune system and antioxidant capabilities, reducing the likelihood of illness.
8.For improving egg production: If egg production decreases due to certain reasons and recovery is slow, cod liver oil can stimulate the secretion of sex hormones, promoting follicle development and restoring egg production.
By understanding these key uses, farmers can effectively utilize cod liver oil to improve poultry health and productivity.